Furness mark Christmas Lunch 9th December 2012

Furness mark Christmas Lunch was well attended with ninety one members and guests sitting down to a
three course lunch at the Abbey House Hotel Barrow.
The Worshipful Master Bro. David Sear welcomed
everyone with a few words and every one was in a
happy, if not committed, festive mood. The
ubiquitous Raffle raised over £300.
There were representatives of Jubilee Lodge, and a
good contingent from Morecambe Mark and RAM.
There is a tradition of the Morecambe and Furness
supporting each other's lunches. Keep your eye open
for the Morecambe RAM spring Lunch...in spring.
(date not yet fixed).
Above: Geoff Bury and minder
Above Left: WM No 36 Bro Dave Sear with Sue Sear
to his left and Mrs James to his right.
Above Right: The Greenhows and Dave Smith mime
to Christmas Carols.
Left: The Harrisons tuck in to the soup.
Furness Mark Lodge wish everyone a VERY merry
Christmas and everything you all wish yourself
for the New Year.
Article and Photographs courtesy of Geoff Waters.